Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Motherhood. The memory zapper

Hoping you guys are having an awesome and productive day! I also hope you had a great weekend and started this week of right. As for me, I'm not going to lie, last week was quite hectic and I was so over it ALL. I was ready for the weekend. Our toddler at times has been really resistant and also has been pushing the limits. When I ask her to do something she responds with, "No! I cant!". What? Who is this little person giving me adult like responses and pushing my buttons?? She and her brother have been fighting their nap times, which causes her to be cranky and irritable. Our baby boy has been pulling everything down that he can get his hands on, ramming his walker into his sister, which causes her to dramatically scream bloody murder. On top of that I found some sort of bug in our house last week so I have started cleaning like a mad woman all while fighting off a sinus cold. I. Was. So. Over. It. All. Ok my rant is over :) Oh plus I have been forgetting things a lot lately.

Since having babies, I have been prone to forgetting things a lot and since we added another baby to the mix, my memory seems to have gotten worse. Before having babies, I loved planners and I owned several. I didn’t necessarily need my planner, I just loved writing out my plans for the week and month. Well, since having babies, I literally rely on my planner and reminder notification on my IPhone.

Last week I slacked on writing in and checking my planner and let me tell you, I forgot a number of things! I forgot some really important dates…for one, my baby boy’s doctor’s appointment. Yikes! I was totally off for the week and I realized I wasn’t notating important dates and checking my planner daily. I pride myself on being organized and my planner helps me stay on track. I have accepted that my memory isn’t as sharp as it used to be before children. Nowadays, I can barely remember what I wore the day before and if you asked me where my keys are, I have the slightest idea. What is it about motherhood that zaps your memory and causes you to forget even the simplest things? If you are a new mom who is forgetting things you used to remember, my advice…get a planner and set reminders on your phone. I set reminders on my phone to go off two to three times for just one event. One reminder isn’t enough so I set multiple reminders and this really helps a lot. I still forget things here and there but it’s not as bad when I am checking my planner and paying attention to my notifications. If you take a look inside my planner you will see that I have even the most mundane tasks written down. I do this because it helps me stay organized. When you are a mom, organization is pertinent if you plan on achieving anything on a day-to-day basis.

My planner costs me about four bucks and it is really nice and simple. You don’t have to spend a ton of money on a pretty planner. Anyways, how do you moms stay organized and avoid forgetting things all of the time?

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