Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Spring Tablescape

Anyone ready for spring time? My two favorite seasons of the year are Autumn and Spring. I love Spring and get excited every year when it rolls around. There is just something about seeing the barren trees and bushes no longer barren but full of beautiful bright green leaves and colorful flowers. I know for some with allergies Spring time is a nemesis. My brother has allergies and fresh cut grass and pollen makes him sneeze uncontrollably at times. My heart aches for him at times because his eyes are so red and his throat itches. So I know not everyone loves Spring but I absolutely love this time of year. To prepare for the season change I am finishing another round of deep cleaning. I plan to pull the stove out and clean behind it and clean under all of the beds. I also have been organizing and planning outings to take our daughter on during the day. Our town has some pretty good events, theatre shows, and more for toddlers to enjoy, so I plan on doing more outings since the weather will be nice and pretty. 

I also decided to work on a Spring/Easter themed tablescape. The challenge was to not spend over twenty bucks and I am happy to say I succeeded! Yay! So, I want to share my simple and savvy tablescape with you and how I stayed on budget by getting most of my items from the Dollar Tree! Yes, the Dollar Tree! Don’t you just love the Dollar Tree! They had these pretty dinner plates with matching mugs and when I saw them I instantly thought of Spring. The fact that they were only one dollar made this find even sweeter. I also grabbed some yellow placemats to compliment the yellow in the plates.

I found some cute white dishes with bunnies on the front of them at the local thrift store. I LOVE the thrift store and purchase a variety of items from them quite often. My place setting was still missing something in my opinion so I decided to pay good ole Hobby Lobby a visit for some inspiration. The day I decided to go was the best day ever because they had forty percent off all of their Easter items. I ended purchasing a set of four nests that came with eggs and green moss for under three bucks and my Spring/Easter tablescape was complete! 

If you need white saucer plates, visit your local Dollar Tree or thrift store. Walmart even has some for under a buck. You don’t have to spend a ton of money to create something beautiful this Spring. Happy decorating you guys! 

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