Thursday, February 9, 2017

Don't forget the strawberry shortcakes lovelies

Yesterday the hubby gave me a break from cooking. Just typing that last sentence made me feel so excited all over again! I love it when he cooks because his food truly tastes divine! I am not just saying that because he is my husband. His food receives rave reviews from people all of the time because it is truly that delicious. He is the one who taught me how to cook and helps me perfect recipes. So hopefully you understand why I was so excited when he said he would cook. The menu was EVERYTHING! He cooked salmon with a blend of herbs and spices, Mediterranean style basmati rice with lemon and fresh herbs, Haricot Verts, and for dessert he made strawberry shortcakes! YUM!


Doesn’t it look delicious! The strawberry glaze and toppings were made from scratch by simply cooking chopped up strawberries and sugar on top of the stove. I love strawberry shortcakes because they aren’t too sweet but they are a light and airy dessert that doesn’t make me feel too guilty about eating two servings. I also think they are the perfect dessert for Valentines Day.

These treats are quick, easy, and pretty. Plus, I paid under $6 for 6 servings! The ingredients cost under six bucks! Aldi has a sell on their strawberries this week; they are on sale for $1.49 per carton. I purchased two cartons. The sponge cakes were $1.44 for a pack of six and the whip cream was $1.38 at Walmart. Talk about being simple and savvy!  

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