Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Homemade Chicken and Dumplings

For the past few days I have been fighting off a cold. I have been doing everything I know to do because I can’t afford to get sick and I don’t want my babies sick either. So I have been drinking tons of orange juice, taking maximum strength meds, popping cod liver oil pills, and resting when I can. With children it can be kinda hard to rest. I honestly don’t know what a full eight hours of sleep feels like anymore since becoming a mom. It’s amazing how we as moms learn to go with the flow and adjust to this wonderful yet crazy thing called motherhood. I am thankful that I have help because I have been able to get some rest and eat some good ole comfort food.

Yesterday I decided I wanted to give my mother-in-law’s chicken and dumplings recipe a try. She invited me over to her house a month ago to bake and cook and we had so much fun. We baked lemon squares and pecan bars. Her desserts are some of the best on this side of heaven. So delicious!!


After we finished tasting our treats, I mentioned that I had never eaten chicken and dumplings before. I know. Don’t gasp. Yep, I have never eaten this southern comfort dish because I never liked the way it looked and I also didn’t like the idea of eating dough that had been dropped in hot broth. I eat with my eyes like most people and the pots of chicken and dumplings I had seen in the past were not that appealing so it’s just one of those dishes I steered clear of. After explaining this to my mother-in-law, she insisted that I try hers. She had some broth in the freezer and a whole roasted chicken in the fridge so we were set to go. She showed me how to make the dough for the dumplings and I dropped them into the simmering broth one by one. It smelled delicious but I still wasn’t sold. Once they were done, I grabbed a bowl full and sat down to see what I supposedly had been missing out on. I took one bite and guys I devoured everything in the bowl. I couldn’t believe I had misjudged such a delicious dish. Although hers looked more appealing than the ones I had come across in the past. It was so scrumptious! I had my niece text me the recipe so I could try it at home with the hubby. He loves chicken and dumplings and I wanted to add this dish to our meal-planning menu. He was so happy when I told him how much I loved one of his favorite meals.

So, what better time to make chicken and dumplings than when a girl is trying to fight off a cold? We unthawed some chicken thighs we had in the freezer, grabbed some white wine, onions, garlic, thyme and other spices and threw it all in the pot to create a delicious broth/home for our dumplings. 

While the chicken was boiling, I mixed up the ingredients for the dumplings and let our toddler help me knead and roll the dough out. Once the chicken was done I took those soft pieces of dough and dropped them in the broth a few at a time. Does anyone else like the way dough feels? I love making dough and love how soft it looks and feels.

After cooking the dumplings in the broth for about 20 minutes I was ready to chow down. I must say, it wasn’t as good as my mother-in-laws but I love a challenge and I will be sure to get as close to hers as I can next time.

 Recipe for dumplings:


1 cup of flour
1 tsp of baking powder 
Half tsp of salt
Half a stick of butter (cut butter into squares) 

Combine flour, baking powder, and salt in bowl
Mix butter into flour using a dough blender
Add milk until mixture scrapes away from the bowl and is sticky
Kneed dough on well floured surface 
Roll out until thin
Cut into long strips 
Take a strip and break into pieces of your desired size and drop into broth 

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