Friday, February 10, 2017

How to make a nice & simple family name sign

So, I love Joanna Gaines. I love watching Fixer Upper and seeing the Gaines’ work their magic in buyer’s homes. Watching their show really is inspiring and reading their book was ever more inspiring. I was so inspired after reading their book that I set a goal to do more DIY projects, especially the kind I normally avoided due to how challenging they appeared. I have never had a ton of confidence when it came to certain DIY projects because they required a certain level of creativity that I really didn’t believe I possessed. I am such a concrete thinker, I usually have to see things in a finished state and work backwards. My husband on the other hand is more of an abstract thinker. He can see things in their rawest and most unfinished state and see a finished project in his mind. Despite my beliefs and natural thinking patterns, I decided to take on a few more DIY projects. I truly believe you will only know what you can and cannot do by trying new things. I have come to a place in my life where I am brave enough to try something new, and if I fail, I fail. At least I tried. So, back to my original point…our wood family name sign. If you watch Fixer Upper, I am sure you have seen Joanna use wooden signs and plaques to decorate homes. She has a large sign above her kitchen sink. It’s such a staple of hers and I love it!

So, after seeing a few of the signs she has used, I decided to make one for our home. So, I used an old piece of wood we stained and used for shelving purposes, pulled out some white Kilz paint and paintbrushes, and picked up some stencils from good ole Hobby Lobby. Don’t’ you just love Hobby Lobby? Anyways, I let the items sit together for a couple of weeks due to simply being busy. I finally set out time to complete this long awaited project & it was pretty easy! Well…I decided to try spray pain first and I did not like the outcome at all. It was terrible and the fumes were a bit much so, I went with my first mind and used the paintbrush. The stencils made it really simple. My husband did measurements to see how to center the word. I then traced out each letter with a washable marker to ensure I liked the placement and then I started the painting process. After applying two coats and making sure the edges of each letter didn’t run or smear, the sign looked pretty good. I realized the sign was still missing something. Something to make it even more personal and I thought about my love for arrows. I love arrows. We have some décor with arrows around our home and I made two necklaces with arrows to represent my children and the scripture found in Psalm 127:4. So, I have such an affinity for arrows and that's what was missing. So I added an arrow (freehand) and our sign was complete!

First coat of paint

This project was extremely inexpensive. You will need wood, white paint, stencils, and a paintbrush. You can buy a piece of wood from Lowes or pick up some pallets for free from places throughout the city. Many companies give pallets give away free of charge. The rest of the items are fairly cheap. Once you have all of your items, you are ready to customize your sign to your liking! It’s really a simple and savvy DIY project for the woman who doesn’t want to spend a ton of money on Etsy or at a home store. I hope this inspires you to try a new DIY project this week or in the weeks to come. You will never know what you can do unless you are willing to try. J

 "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them..."
 Psalm 127:3-5

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