Sunday, February 12, 2017

Heart shaped pancakes anyone???

So, Valentines Day is two days away! Yay! Don’t you just love LOVE?? I believe we should celebrate love all year long and in doing so perhaps the world would be full of less hate and revenge. Anyways, I love finding ways to be creative and fun for my toddler when it comes to cooking. I use Pinterest to find creative food ideas and I have made pancakes that resemble reindeer, star shaped pancakes,  & pancakes that resemble a teddy bear. My toddler LOVED it and to see the excitement on her face as she looked at her plate was priceless! Thanks Pinterest!

Photo courtesy of Pinterest

 Photo courtesy of Pinterest

This morning I decided to prepare heart shaped cinnamon butter pancakes. It’s just pancakes with melted butter on top and sprinkled with cinnamon. Talk about simple and delicious! My family loves when I make these pancakes. It’s just something wonderfully delicious about melted butter that tastes soo good on pancakes. Tasty!
After I cooked the pancakes, I used my heart shaped cookie cutter to cut out cute little hearts, I added slices of fresh strawberries (on sale for $1.49 at Aldi), and put a few slices of bacon on the side. Nothing but empty plates left for this momma to clean.


I hope you guys feel inspired to do something creative for breakfast tomorrow on Valentines Day. Your loved ones will be so grateful.

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