Friday, February 24, 2017

Fried Bananas

I bought a few bunches of bananas from Aldi a few days ago. They usually run about 37 cents a pound so I usually grab a yellow bunch and a green bunch. Today I saw the bananas sitting in my fruit basket and thought, hmm…why not fry up some bananas today? I can be sporadic like that when it comes to cooking. It wasn’t on the meal plan calendar but it was something I wanted to try. I told the hubby and he helped me brainstorm a good batter recipe to coat the bananas in. I looked in our pantry and we had everything I needed minus the club soda so I looked up an alternative recipe that didn’t require club soda. I found one that substituted ice-cold water for the club soda. I had plenty of that so I was ready to get started. I was so ready and eager that I forgot to take pictures of the process. Sorry. Although I don’t have pictures, I must say this is such an easy recipe and it took literally 5 minutes to prepare and 4 to 5 minutes to fry the bananas. I was thrilled and so happy with the way the fried bananas turned out. I took them out of the grease and tossed them in cinnamon and sugar and placed some vanilla ice cream on the side of my plate and viola…dessert was served!


1 cup of self-rising flour
2 tsps of baking powder 
1 tbsp of sugar 
Ice cold water 
Cooking oil for frying

Coating Ingredients:



Sift dry ingredients in a bowl.
Add ice cold water. Add enough to bring mixture to the consistency of pancake batter.
Batter should not be too runny and it's ok if there are a few small lumps.
Break your banana(s) into whatever size you desire.
Dip each banana in the batter mixture, dropping them into heated oil one at a time.
Cook for about 4 to 5 minutes or until golden brown. Turning them once if needed.
Remove from grease and toss in cinnamon and sugar mixture

Serve with ice cream and enjoy the sweet crunch! YUM!!

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