Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Valentines Day Prep

Valentines day is one week from today! Yay! Let the planning, crafts, candy making, and more begin!! I am starting kind of late this year because to be honest, things around our home have been pretty wild…in a good way. J I have been doing some major deep cleaning. I know it isn’t spring yet but I am deep cleaning now so when spring arrives I can work on other projects. I have been deep cleaning and still cooking my two to three meals a day and tending to the babies. So, needless to say the Valentines full-blown festivities won’t start until later today. I did make time to bake cupcakes this weekend! Woohoo! Who doesn’t love cupcakes? Although my hips would probably disagree with me…I love cupcakes. I decided to try out a vanilla cupcake recipe I found on the Food Network website.

I had a good little assistant, my oldest nephew. He was my awesome cameraman and bowl holder. I opted not to use the KitchenAid mixer and just use the hand held, it was better for filming the video we put together. It was really simple and pretty good! I would suggest adding a bit more sugar if you like your cupcakes on the sweeter side. The recipe only called for 2/3 cup of sugar, so I added some. They were really moist too. I whipped up some homemade cream cheese icing using cream cheese, vanilla extract, and sugar, and softened butter. I forgot to let my cream cheese sit out and I was too impatient to wait so I had a challenging time mixing the ingredients at first so I had to add a splash of milk because it was so thick. In the end, the icing was spot on and ridiculously delicious. My nephew thought of a cool idea to add sliced strawberries for taste and color and, voila, we had some tasty cupcakes. Don’t mind our icing skills, we tried soo hard to pipe the icing on to these cuties like the pros do in the YouTube videos, but we obviously need a tad bit more practice J.

 Any ways, I hope this post inspires you to cook something delicious to celebrate Valentines Day. I love LOVE. I believe, love conquerors all! I believe it because I have seen love conquer hate, fear, hurt and so much more in my life and in the lives of so many others. Love never fails and according to the Word of the Lord, perfect love cast out fear. Love: a small four-letter word that carries so much depth and weight. I hope you choose love today and always. In a world that is increasing in hate and prejudice, it is my prayer that we remember the importance of choosing love, daily. Choosing to see people and the things around us through eyes of love. May love be what we choose over hate and may it shape our perspectives as well as our perceptions. Choose LOVE for God is LOVE!!

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