Monday, February 27, 2017

Ugly Wire Shelves

Lately I have been looking around our home at areas I feel need organizing or a serious face lift. I love organizing and finding ways to make our home look better but I love doing these things without spending a ton of money. The Dollar Tree has been a great resource and helps me save tons of money when it comes to organizing and Pinterest has been an even better tool when it comes to DIY. One of the areas I felt needed a face lift was the wire shelving in our kitchen pantry area. I hated those wire shelves. Nothing ever sat flat on them due to the openings and my items would fall through or tilt. So I went to Pinterest to find a solution. The solution was DIY shelving made out of foam board and contact paper all from the Dollar Tree!!

I also picked up some labels and baskets from the dollar tree as well as some clear canisters from Walmart to organize my items.

This DIY project did require some measuring so I let my hubby do that part. He measured the shelves so he could cut the foam board to fit seamlessly. After he finished cutting out the faux shelves, I wrapped each one in gray and white contact paper and placed them on each individual shelf. I now had a flat surface to place all of my baskets and items on. I loved the way it turned out and this project cost me under 10 bucks! I hope this simple and savvy project inspires you to tackle an area in your home thats in need of a facelift.

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